Self-care is always important. On that note, when was the last time your heart felt properly warmed?
The world might seem like a harsh, uncaring place at times. But honestly, all you really need to recharge your batteries is a curated list that’s sure to warm your heart.
Reddit | Gimme_the_dietz
Sure, you’ve probably felt content before. But the level of contentment that must come from surrounding yourself with seven doggos and then lying in the grass on a beautiful summer day is off the charts.
The smiles say it all.
Reddit | Unicornglitteryblood
The pilot on the right quit his job, with his 40 years of seniority, so he could join another airline — the one where his daughter is now flying. He’s her junior pilot, and couldn’t be happier.
If I fits…
Reddit | Steuv1871
The person who submitted this photo says the planter belongs to their mom, who was wondering why plants only grew in one half of it. I guess she has her answer now.
The young at heart.
Reddit | Leopoldo14
The lady doing this picture-perfect 30-second plank is a grandmother who recently turned a full 100 years old. Clearly, planking has something to do with her longevity.
A moment he’ll never remember.
Reddit | [deleted]
Most of us have passed out at one time or another, but falling asleep at an event where the president of the United States is present takes things to another level.
2001 in a nutshell.
Reddit | erikien19
For those old enough to remember, the PlayStation 2 was pretty big news back in 2001. If you’re wondering just how big it was, just look at this kid who just received one for his birthday.
Distracted boyfriend.
Reddit | naravianana
Hey, look, it’s the «distracted boyfriend» meme in real life! I mean, if you and your partner randomly passed by a sweaty Jack Black on the street, you’d probably look back too.
Love story.
Reddit | cttonbrze
Goths are known for hanging out with other goths, but this rule doesn’t always hold true. Honestly, it’s freakin’ adorable how birds mate for life and form deep relationships.
Still fits!
Reddit | dskeezy05
This couple has been together for 60 years. A lot has happened over those six decades, but all that really matters is that they’re still in love, and also that their original wedding outfits still fit.
He dug a bed.
Reddit | TheToxicLogic
This is either some kind of weird meteorite that’s become embedded in the ground, or this pupper has gotten so tuckered out digging a hole that he’s passed out in it.
Some things never change.
Reddit | UltimateProSkilz
Generational divides often seem pretty big. But when you consider that some experiences — like prom — are more or less universal, it makes us all feel more connected.
A very good girl.
Reddit | Imzadi90
August is a golden retriever so ancient that her whole face has gone grey. At 20, she’s the oldest golden retriever in the world — and would be well over 100 in human years.
Hug machine.
Reddit | Unicornglitteryblood
This recently adopted pit loves his new owner so much that he just can’t stop hugging her. Truly, this is a dog who was born to spoon.
A true hero.
Facebook | Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel
Omri, 13, broke his hand during a basketball game. The hospital staff gave him a cast so awesome that I’m not sure he’ll ever want to take it off.
Spa day.
Reddit | jaymae77
Cats will find a way to sleep in the oddest spaces. In this case, an adorable kitten has decided that a toy bathtub intended for dolls is the ideal place to catch a few z’s.
All the pies.
Reddit | not_my_normal
This pic was posted by a doting girlfriend who baked this quad-pie for her boyfriend’s birthday. Apparently it’s because he asked for pie, but didn’t say what kind.
Up, up and away.
Reddit | Thereaper29
This 93-year-old grandmother and her grandson (and the doggo!) created this awesome photo op inspired by Up. Good thing it takes a lot of balloons to actually lift a house.
So cozy.
Reddit | viralagain
I mean, this isn’t the true purpose of a mug’s handle, but it does seem to be a very happy coincidence. If I ever get a bird, I know what I’ll be trying.
A lifetime of comfort.
Reddit | snowglobesnowglobe
This user wrote, «My Dad is afraid to fly, so when I was 5 yrs old I made him a doll to hold on the plane. Mom just sent me this picture. He is packed to come visit me. The doll is 43 years old!»
Ask and ye shall receive.
Reddit | prof_procrastinate
After four years of begging his wife, this man was finally able to get a puppy, and the puppy looks just as excited as he is! He knows he’s about to have an amazing life and family.
A true labor of love.
Reddit | unnaturalorder
This grandfather handcrafted a crib for his new grandson. Not only that, he handcrafted the coolest, most amazing crib ever!
Home improvement.
Reddit | judgemental_platypus
After finding out there was a gopher in their yard, this person built them a little yard! Do you think they get mini junk mail in that mailbox?
Generations of excitement!
Reddit | LectaAus
The uploader decided to spring a surprise visit to her grandmother and brought her new daughter along, meaning this image is this woman meeting her great-granddaughter for the first time!
Treasured toy.
Reddit | TheToxicLogic
I didn’t take this good care of any of my toys when I was a kid! This dog must really love his dragon!
«It’s my cat Yogurt’s first birthday!»
Reddit | pikafish
Happy birthday, Yogurt! You look so handsome in your party hat!
A traveling pup.
Reddit | Mseafigs
This cool dog’s story went like so: «About a year ago my friend was in California for work, for six months. Jokingly he asked me to drive his dog from Detroit to San Diego because he missed his dog. I replied, ‘well I’ve always wanted to see the Grand Canyon’. Here is Diesel at White Sands National Monument, NM.»
Lifelong love.
Reddit | alvarez214
These two have been together for over half a century, and had just renewed their vows in this photo! They still look so happy to be around each other. Stuff like this really shows that true love does exist.
Don’t leave me.
Reddit | jayblesz
After this dog’s human packed their going-away bag, doggo decided to do something drastically cute by placing their favorite toy on top of the luggage.
An unexpected friend.
Reddit | 9999monkeys
This user wrote that this crow just started following her one day, immediately befriending her and even following her into her house to hang out in her room. This experience alone is way cooler than anything that could ever happen to me.
It’s the thought that counts.
Reddit | TheMirsinho
I don’t think the cat really minds the rain. I also don’t think the umbrella is going to do much. But it’s downright heartwarming that this kid has made such a kind gesture.
Просмотров: 305