25 Mind-Bending Photos Of “Accidental Camouflage”. So cool!

Here are the 25 mind-bending photos people shared in this r/AccidentalCamouflage Subreddit group. You have to take a second look to understand the below photos. These photos just amazingly blend with their surroundings all too well without us expecting it and that’s when we start to wonder if our eyes are playing tricks on us.

Great Painting

Pic my husband took of me passing him a pencil

When you want a cat but your family won’t agree

My Ultraboost match the carpet at work

These leggings match the carpet

In the subway today

Dalmata Beach

There are 4 cats in this pic

Grammy in the seed section

Been meaning to post this here. My ceiling fan looks like it’s missing a blade in the right lighting

Invisible feets

Almost stepped on this little guy

Flower lady

IPad With Cover

It’s easier to see the shadow of the crow than the actual crow

I searched for my dog for 20 minutes

My favorite rug

My phone case matches my desk

This car across the street

Time for an afternoon snooze

Do you have any polka dot sandals?

Find my cat, easy task

Cracker on a counter

Mayble has perfected the art of camouflage

Spent an hour looking for my cat after not seeing him the first time I looked


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