A man of legend: famous racer has launched a project to purchase ambulances for Ukraine

Serhii Malyk is a man of legend. He owns numerous records of Ukraine and the world in motorsport, the last of which was set on August 12, 2021 at the Bonneville Speed Week festival on Lake Bonneville. The speed of his Dnepr Electric motorcycle reached a crazy 107,217 mph!

With the start of the terrible war against Ukraine, records receded into the background. Now Serhii, also active in volunteering, has launched a new project aimed at supplying as many ambulances as possible to evacuate civilians from combat zones.

Of course, he needs money to buy thre cars. So, Serhii asked his colleagues and not indifferent people for help.

«My dear friends from Bonneville, Dakar, Monte-Carlo, friends from the US, UK, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Australia and all over the world!
One month of the war, and we are still standing and kicking some asses.
I didn’t have much time to write, but as you noticed by my pictures, I started a new humanitarian aid project — Ambulances for Ukraine.
We urgently need many ambulance cars to evacuate civilians from combat zones, often badly wounded by shelling and airstrikes.
I know where to buy these cars, how to prepare them for operating in combat zones (believe me, it’s much tougher than Dakar) and how to deliver them to people who make the best use of them,»
— wrote the legendary racer on his Facebook page.

«Luckily, we have strength, courage, experience, and many highly skilled volunteers. Unfortunately, these cars cost money. So I kindly ask you to donate and support my project.
There is no small help or donation, and every donated dollar, euro or pound brings our victory closer,» — he added.

If you can, join this important project!

Serhii Malyk bank details:

Card: 4731 2196 4374 2368
PayPal: kmamk23@ukr.net

More about the project:

Карети швидкої для України

— https://www.uambulance.org/home-eng

— https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-to-save-the-lives-of-civilians-in-a-war-zone

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