Globetrotting cat: she has joined his cycle trip and changed his life

Cat Nala with her owner Dean traveled around dozens of countries on a bicycle. Moreover, neither Dean from Scotland, nor a cat from Bosnia had any idea that they would become megapopular, once they met by chance.

Two years ago Dean Nicholson, a welder from Scotland, decided that he wanted to make a radical change in his life. He got on his bike and went on a trip around the world. He was going to be alone all the time in order to find his meaning in life, to know and see the world.

But everything changed unexpectedly. Somewhere on the border of Bosnia and Montenegro, he found a little stray kitty that ran after him and meowed for a long time. It was 12 miles from the nearest town, so he decided to take her with him to the basket for a while, then take her to the vet and check if she has had a microchip.

Dean had the thought that the kitty was lost, and there would be information on the chip. But she hadn’t had any.

«I put her in a bag on a frame to make her comfortable, and decided to take her to the nearest town to check if she had a microchip. But there was no chip, and she climbed onto my shoulder and fell asleep. And that’s it, I realized that she was going to travel with me further,» said Dean on his instagram.

Since Nala appeared on his way, Dean’s plans changed. First, he had to share a bike with her: on the front part, he equipped a special basket to make her way and sleep comfortable.

Second, on his way he now takes care not only about himself, but also about his four-legged pet. After all, she needs food, water and toilet. «She taught me to take my time and enjoy the moment. When she’s on the bike with me, her needs come first, so the journey has slowed down a lot. We often stop and play,» continues Dean.

Together they have already covered more than 16 thousand kilometers by bicycle and have a trip to Thailand in their nearest plans.

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