Horrible price of war: 109 empty strollers in Lviv represent Ukrainian children killed in russian invasion

On March 18, a performance was organized in the center of Lviv: 109 empty baby strollers were put on the Rynok square. They symbolize Ukrainian kids who died at the hands of the russian invaders.

It was impossible to look without tears at this silent demonstration of human grief. Personally, the mayor of the city of Lviv called on everyone to distribute photos and information about this action, the purpose of which is to call on everyone on whom it depends for the speedy restoration of peace.

Empty baby strollers on Rynok Square today are symbols of the lives of those angels who are now protecting the sky over Ukraine instead of decisive actions of the world. This is the terrible price of war that Ukraine pays today. And we call on all adults around the world to protect Ukrainian children with a single shield and give them a future. Demand from the governments of other countries to close the sky over Ukraine,” wrote the mayor of Lviv.

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