The Belle Époque Venice cards were printed by a publishing company in Detroit using the Photochrom process. The laborious technology needed a lot of time, but it allowed to colorize black and white photographs as early as the 19th century.
This version of chromolithography was invented in the 1880s by Hans Jakob Schmidt, an employee of the Swiss printing company Orell Gessner Füssli. The process involved creating a lithographic stone from the negative of a photograph. A separate printing plate was made for each color. More than a dozen printing stones could be used to make a single postcard, an finally a surprisingly realistic color images were obtained.
Grand Canal in the moonlight
A view from the bell tower
Doge’s Palace
Inside San Marco cathedral
Gondolas and Piazzetta San Marco
Procession in front of San Marco cathedral
A concert on San Marco square
Secco Marina in San Guiseppe
Doge’s Palace and Piazzetta
San Giorgio Maggiore Island
Three bridges
Procession across Grand Canal
Palazzo Pesaro on Grand Canal
Grand Canal
Grand Canal and Rialto bridge
Bridge of Paradise
Rialto bridge
San Marco square and campanile
The Golden house
Old courtyard in Venice